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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Udoka

Legal Financing Available Now

As a lawyer, I want to help folks plan for or get through tough times. However, as many have noted, there is a large gap in access to justice or legal services based on pricing. In the past, the only solutions seemed to be: (i) lower your prices, (ii) accept payment plans, or (iii) take less cases.

None of these options appealed to me. In any of them, I am able to serve a limited number of clients and at the end of the day, still not be sure I can keep my doors open to continue helping clients in the future.

About six months ago, I began researching solutions. Today, I'm happy to roll out the first solution with our introduction of* With this service, clients or their friends or family can easily see if they would qualify for monthly payments and hire a lawyer today without affecting their credit (the pre-approval process only does a "soft pull" of the credit report information). Clients don't have to go around begging family and friends for a retainer fee when they're in a tough spot, and my office doesn't have to chase down clients or ultimately withdraw from a case if payment becomes an issue. I think it can be a win-win if used correctly.

Keep in mind, our office is not representing that this service is right in every situation, and each client should look at her own financial situation to decide whether this offer is right for her. We neither endorse nor require use of the product, and we get no direct benefit from the lender for a client's use of the product. The only benefit we get is security for our clients. If approved, the fee is paid up front to our office, which means no late withdrawals from a case, and no collection calls coming from our office. We're free to just represent you.

If you're considering hiring us to represent you, but the fee is a problem, feel free to click the link below to see if you or a family member can qualify for legal financing and reasonable monthly payments.

*As of the date of this post, this financing is only available for DUI, Misdemeanor, and Adoption cases. You will be required to provide a valid photo ID to my office. We are searching for lenders for other case types as well and will roll them out as they become available!

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