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Joint Promotion Program

Let’s get folks covered…

Getting folks to plan for their future is tough. We live in a time that’s fueled for living in the now and worrying about later, well, later. It’s my passion to help folks plan for their future, and you're here because I believe it’s your passion as well. 


By working together, I want to help build community, strengthen friendships, and grow our client bases.

…By Reaching Them Where They’re At


“Social media marketing results in higher conversion rates in a few distinct ways. Perhaps the most significant is its humanization element; the fact that brands become more humanized by interacting on social media channels. Social media is a place where brands can act as people do, and this is important as people like doing business with other people; not with companies.”




We ran a series of video ads from Nov. 1, 2018 - Dec. 5, 2018. The first was targeted at Stillwater residents in the upper 1/2 of income earners. The second was targeted at those that had seen the first ad. The third was targeted at those that had seen the second ad.

Joint Promotion Program
Joint Promotion Program 2

Results: 6 free wills (new clients estimated to generate at least $5,000 each in lifetime revenue) & countless social capital built through live conversations with folks around town interested in what we’re doing!

Then from Dec. 12 - 23, 2018, we ran Joint Promotion ads with a local agent. We widened the geography a bit to hit her target markets and stayed limited to the top 1/2 of wage earners.

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Results: Way more reach! With less money we made 39,000+ impressions, reaching 13,000+ folks right in our target market, young professional types.




$200 Ad Buy

Facebook & Instagram Networks


Targeted promotion of the video ads to your target demographic


Retargeted ads to get action 

(all ads point to your landing page)

$300 Fee

($400 for January/December)


Prime Cross Promotion during your month (we won’t promote partners in your field)


Production video content/ads


Free month of Entrepreneur Support Program for you and your small business clients (Read more here)


Free Simple Wills to all your new clients during your month


1/2 price estate planning services to all your clients during your month


More Fun


More Happiness

Pay here
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